I am Shell

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East Liverpool, Ohio, United States


Jobs on Freelancer dot com

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Finally...my friend Cat!

Here we go folks! The most awaited interview. Since we've been delayed, I'll get right to it.

1. What all venues do you sell from online?

Ebay, Bonanzle, Amazon and iOffer. I'll be looking at GEMM for some records that I am trying to sell, but that probably won't happen for a couple of weeks.
Q. 2. What are your selling id's one those venues? Sushiboofay for all! http://stores.ebay.com/Sushiboofays for Ebay.

Q. 3. What do you sell?

A little of this and a little of that....LOL...I seem to sell things in cycles. Right now I'm getting big into records and some vintage clothing. I also have Gone With The Wind plates that I am selling. The plates are mine, but I just don't have a place to display them anymore so I decided that I would let them find some new homes. Next month it will probably be something else...my store inventory constantly gets updated.

Q. 4. What are you passionate about?

Photography and Writing. I think that is one thing I really like about EBay - I get to use the camera everyday and then, of course, you have to write a description about the item so you get to be creative there too.

Q. 5. If you where to be given $5,000 to invest, how would you invest it?

In CHOCOLATE??? LOL...hmmm...at the moment I would probably park it in a money market account and then research the best place to put it. If I were going to buy inventory for EBay - it would have to be for whatever I could get that would give me the most bang for the buck. Great question!

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